Friday, November 1, 2013

Winter is coming ....

Winter is coming. As I looked out over the lake Saturday, lines of white appeared on the blue horizon. As the apparitions started came into focus flying in my direction, I knew what I was seeing.  During the winter migration, our lake system of Barkley and Kentucky Lakes, The American White Pelican visit Western Kentucky.

The bird primarily visits Lake Barkley during migration to (Oct-Nov) and from (March) the Gulf of Mexico.  They can have a wingspan over nine feet and weigh up to twenty pounds, making them one of the largest birds in Kentucky.

I had a hunch that morning that local birds would show their presence that day. Around an hour later as the Pelicans sat in the water. One can only wonder if they were feeling, annoyed by the Sea Gulls darting above their heads.  The gulls were darting into water to eat fish beside them.

I knew this was too tempting for the local predator of water birds. An American Bald Eagle appeared out of nowhere flying low upon the water, talons extended. I felt a rush and began to think was he hunting the pelicans?  I rushed down the stairs to see what his prey had been. Only a fish was in his talons as flew to the tree line for his reward of hunting.

Nick Edmonds

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